
Spinal Acupuncture 

tactile and manual therapies 


Veterinary Referrals form


Dr. Shane Watterson

Acupuncture qualifications
Grad. Dip (Veterinary Acupuncture)

College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies
Dip. of Acupuncture-ACM
 Acupuncture College of Melbourne
Also training with Animal Acupuncture Academy


Tactile & manual therapy qualifications


  Masters degree (Animal Chiropractic) 
RMIT university 
Grad. Dip (Animal Chiropractic) 
RMIT university 
Bachelor of Science (Human Chiropractic) 
RMIT university
Also Canine Rehabilitation training DiM



NOT ACTUAL WRITTEN CONTENT, CONTENT WILL BE CHANGED BY SHAN: Acupuncture is an ancient therapy dating back many thousands of years. It is also one of the most intensely researched areas of complementary medicine in modern times. Many dog owner’s will have had personal experience with the benefits of acupuncture or dry needling. They may often have found that the acupuncture treatment was quite comfortable and perhaps even relaxing or invigorating. 

At Aligning Canine Chiropractic, we focus on acupuncture treatment for musculoskeletal and some neuro-musculoskeletal problems. Many dog owner’s will have had personal experience with the benefits of acupuncture or dry needling. They may often have found that the acupuncture treatment was quite comfortable and perhaps even relaxing or invigorating.

At Aligning Canine Chiropractic, we focus on acupuncture treatment for musculoskeletal and some neuro-musculoskeletal problems.

Part of the  group

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